After an introductory phone call, we will send you an engagement letter that outlines our consulting process and fees. We will confirm the issues to be addressed and/or the expected parameters for the consulting relationship and set a schedule for future meetings. The length, frequency and scope of any consulting relationship matches your specific needs and situation. Consulting sessions can be by phone or video chat, with additional support provided over email.
Action Planning & Advising
Get help with your business management challenges and opportunities. Analyze issues, get advice on implementing do-able goals, and create a plan to move forward.
Partnerships & Joint Ventures
Define the parameters of your business partnership or joint venture. Assess and value partner contributions and commitments, resolve conflicts and reach accord in a written agreement.
Ownership Transitions
Get support through a business management transition, loss of a key employee, or preparation for an ownership exit plan. Prioritize and assess roles and set goals and timelines. Create a plan for business valuation, facilitation with potential buyers and define next steps.
Entrepreneurship Training
Build your skills related to goal setting, project analysis, time management, public speaking and action planning in a workshop series offered by Paul Terry & Associates.